
A “share” is a stake in a company that someone can buy.
When purchasing a share, the individual has a limited ownership interest in the company. A company that allows the public to buy its shares is called a “publicly traded company.”

The question arises as to why the original owners of a well-established company would give up part of their ownership to people they will probably never meet. The answer is capital growth. By selling a limited part of the company, its owners receive an injection of cash that allows them to expand it. However, they do not lose ownership or control over the overall direction of the company.

On the other hand, the individual who buys shares in a company, in essence, associates his investment with its future and success. An appreciation of the share supported, in part, by the purchase he makes of the company’s shares, generates profit. This profit is proportional to the percentage of appreciation of the share in relation to the day the purchase was made.

Companies also reward their shareholders with dividends, which are a portion of the company’s operating profits. These dividends are paid periodically to shareholders in proportion to the number of shares they own.

Stock trading has long been the safest investment one can make in a private venture. A diverse stock portfolio is a safe way to increase your equity, both in the long and short term.

Much of the popularity of stock trading is that anyone can learn to trade stocks without any extensive education or training.

Trading conditions with stock CFDs

One of the simplest and most convenient ways to trade shares is through a CFD (Contract for Difference). As the name suggests, it is a contract whose value depends on the difference between the opening and closing value of a share.

With stock CFDs at psi-markets, you can invest in stocks from a particular market without having any type of ownership over them. It is the simplest and most convenient way to invest in a promising market without having direct access to it.

Popular Stocks

The value of a company’s shares fluctuates throughout the day, and its movement depends on factors such as:

  • General market sentiment
  • Area of ​​specialization and sector performance
  • Recent and upcoming industry changes and variations
  • Profit and loss expectation
  • Stability or instability within the company

The severity of each factor affects the intensity of the upward or downward trend in the share price. The most popular stocks are companies that are well positioned to generate profits in the near future. They can be legacy stocks like Ford or Microsoft, or newer entrants like Tesla.

Sua popularidade é um reflexo da avaliação que o mercado faz sobre seu desempenho futuro e iminente, que toma a forma de um aumento no preço das ações e indicam uma perspectiva positiva para a empresa. Outras empresas chamam atenção por certos desenvolvimentos ou inovações que as deixam bem posicionadas para obter lucros expressivos. Uma vez que o valor dos investimentos dos acionistas aumenta quando temos um caso com esse, tais empresas rapidamente atingem as listas de ações mais desejadas.

Vantagens do trading com ações e valores mobiliários na psi-markets

A plataforma de trading da psi-markets combina alguns dos recursos mais populares do trading on-line. Em seu núcleo está um sistema simples e transparente que fornece controle inédito sobre seus próprios investimentos.

A psi-markets é provavelmente o jeito mais simples de negociar com ações on-line, pois não há documentos físicos envolvidos. Tudo que você precisa é um ajuste inicial que conecta seus dados à conta na qual você deseja creditar seus lucros.

Ao negociar com uma conta na psi-markets, todas as formalidades do trading com ações na bolsa de valores é passada a nós. Isso significa que você aproveita a liberdade de negociar com ações sem se preocupar com nenhuma das complicações.

A outra vantagem irresistível é o acesso ininterrupto ao trading, 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. Enquanto houver uma bolsa aberta, você poderá usar a Uborkers para negociar as ações listadas nela.

Esse conjunto de benefícios exclusivos torna a psi-markets uma das estrelas ascendentes no mercado de investimentos on-line. Centenas de traders privados e profissionais já se juntaram a nós e turbinaram suas carteiras. Junte-se a eles hoje mesmo.